Sunday, February 6, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year!

Lin's Dress

Yang's Dress

Red Suit

Yang's Bracelet

Lin's Bracelet
    Happy Chinese New Year! It started on the third, but we were too busy to post until now. But it goes on for two whole weeks! Over those two weeks Yang's Chinese birthday will be celebrated. Right now, Yang and I are making bracelets and lanterns, to start off the New Year! Chinese New Year, also know as the Lunar New Year. We get little red envelopes with money in them. Yang and I have been wearing our school uniforms all the time when we're out of school. And soon we will change into our red jackets. At the end celebration we wear our fancy dresses. I think Yang has the prettiest. Then we go do a performance in them. we sing, dance, and go to the big parade. It all very wonderful.
      We went out to get these really cute matching Chinese charm bracelets yesterday. They have all of the zodiac animals on it, and crystal rings. Now we show the pictures! The dresses have those Shopping Advertisments on them because that was the place we got them from.

1 comment:

  1. Oh. . . I really like Lin's dress personally. But I LOVE the cute bracelets!

